Rhythm allows users to make configuration changes to custom fields, page forms, and 360°
Custom fields allow you to create your own fields to track data on contacts and organizations.
Form configuration allows users to add, remove, and rearrange the fields that are displayed when creating records. For CRM, you can set forms for creating contacts and organizations.
360° screen configuration allows users to add, remove and rearrange the fields that are displayed when viewing records. For CRM, you can set forms for creating contacts and organizations.
Managing Custom Fields
- From the CRM App, you can click on Contacts to go to the Contacts Overview screen
- Click Setup
- On the left navigation panel, you can expand on contacts or organizations and click on Custom Fields to manage fields associated with the respective record type.
- You will see a list of existing custom fields. You can hover over a custom field and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it
- To create a new custom field, click the Create Custom Field button
- When creating a custom field, you can enter:
- Type of field (Text, Radio Button, Picklist, etc.)
- Field Name
- Field ID
- Optional/Required
- Form Prompt (Use if you want the user to see the field label displayed differently then the field name)
- Help Text (Appears below the custom field to provide users with more information about what they should be inputting into the field)
- Certain field types have additional options:
- For fields like lists, checkboxes, and radio buttons, you will be prompted to enter the acceptable values associated with the field
- For number fields, you can enter in the number of decimal points accepted
- For text fields (with Multiple Lines), you can set a word limit
- For a ratings field, you can set a maximum rating, the field theme, and the meaning of min/max values
- For a reference field, you can select which record type that is associated with the field
- You can set a default value on the field
- Click Save Changes to create your custom field
Managing Page Forms
- From the CRM App, you can click on Contacts to go to the Contacts Overview screen
- Click Setup
- On the left navigation panel, you can expand on contacts or organizations and click on Forms to manage fields associated with the respective record type.
- You will see a list of existing forms. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- Clicking the Configure Defaults button allows the user to set which of the configured forms should be used by default.
- To create a new custom form, click Create Form button
- When creating a form, you will have the ability to choose an existing form to use as a starting point.
- The form configuration screen has several areas that can be configured:
- Pages - Allows users to create multi-page forms. Each page can have its own components, transitions, and custom errors:
- Components - Allows users to create different sections and fields that are available when filling out the form. Hovering over a form will allow the user to move, edit, or delete the component. Editing components allows the user to add, remove, and rearrange the fields associated with the component.
- Transitions - Allows users to control how the end-user can go from one page to another, save the form, or complete the form:
- Back
- Next
- Cancel
- Save and Return
- Submit
- When ready, click Save to keep your changes
- Once you have saved your form, you can test it by clicking on the light bulb icon to the right of the delete button
Helpful Hint: The form you have set to test mode will be shown throughout the console, overriding any applicable configuration so that you can test it. Please note that if you change the form, you will have to re-toggle this setting for that change to update.
Managing 360° Screens
- From the CRM App, you can click on Contacts to go to the Contacts Overview screen
- Click Setup
- On the left navigation panel, you can expand on contacts or organizations and click on 360°
Screens to manage fields associated with the respective record type. - You will see a list of existing 360°
screen configurations. You can hover over a 360°
screen and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it. - Clicking the Configure Defaults button allows the user to set which of the configured 360 screen configuration should be used by default.
- To create a new custom field, click Create 360° Screen button
- When creating a 360° screen, you will have the ability to choose an existing form to use as a starting point.
- The 360° configuration screen has several areas that can be configured:
- Global Call Outs - Allows users to set fields that are displayed prominently on the 360 screen. Clicking the button and selecting fields will display a list of fields associated with the record type that can be displayed
- Global One-Clicks - Allows you to add additional one-clicks that contain fields associated with that record type. When creating the one-click, you will have the ability to select your fields. Clicking on the Title and Hooks tab will allow you to name your one click.
Helpful Hint: Tthese are added by clicking the Add Custom Field Section. You can then select which custom fields to include in the one-click. Creating multiple custom field sections should also be referred to as creating a one-click. - Rolodex One-Clicks - Allows you to add any of Rhythm’s built-in one-clicks associated with that record.
- When you click on any of the one-clicks set on the layout, you can click on the Edit icon to modify the fields that are associated with the one-click, the one-click layout, and its title.
- Click Save Changes to complete your 360° screen changes.
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