Your association’s staff often needs to follow up with individuals or organizations. Whether it be email outreach, approving a membership application, or following up with a potential sponsor. To make things easier for your staff, Rhythm has created a task management tool that gives you the ability to create tasks, and optionally, tie them to a specific record in the Rhythm console. Once tasks have been created in Rhythm, it will be critical that your staff can manage these as well, which is why there is a built in task manager. This will enable staff to manage their own tasks and give administrators the ability to manage their teams tasks.
Create Task Types
- Navigate to the Contacts & Organizations (CRM) application and select Setup from the left toolbar.
- On the next page, click Tasks in the left toolbar and select Types.
- Create a Task Type to differentiate between the types of tasks you will need to complete.
Helpful Hint: Task types could be something as simple as Call, Email, or To-do. Alternatively, there could be something specific to your association that you want to include and track.
Create and Assign Tasks
- In the top right corner of the console, click the dropdown menu next to your name and profile.
- Select Create a Task and include the following information.
- Name: Enter a name for your task.
- Type: Assign one of your configured task types to the task.
- Due Date: Select the date the task is due. By default, the task's due date will automatically be set for the day it was created.
- Description: Optionally, you can include notes about the task in the Description field.
- Priority: Optionally, select if the task is low, normal, high, or urgent priority. By default, the task's urgency will be set to normal.
- Status: Optionally, set the status to completed, deferred, open, or waiting for someone else. By default, the task's status will be set to open.
- Owner: Select the owner of the task from a list of existing console user. By default, the task will automatically be owned by the user creating the task.
- Assignee: Assign the task to an existing console user. By default, the task will automatically be assigned to the user creating the task.
Helpful Hint: When a task is assigned to a user, it will appear in their task queue for completion.
- Associated Records: Optionally, search and select contact or organization records to associate with the task.
Using the Task Manager
- In the top right corner of the console, click the dropdown menu next to your name and profile.
- Select Task Manager.
- Using the dropdown menu, you can toggle the view. The My Open Tasks Assigned to Me view is set by default, but you can select any of the following:
- My Open Tasks: Any task owned by you with a Status of "Open"
- My Open Tasks Assigned to Me: Any task owned by and assigned to you with a Status of "Open"
- All Open Tasks: Every open task, independent of Owner or Assignee
- My Tasks: Any task owned by you, independent of Status
- Click the Filter Tasks button to use any of the available criteria to see a specific subset of tasks.
- Click the Save View button to save a particular view based on a set of filters. This view can be Personal so that it's only accessible to you or you can set it to Team so everyone can use it.
- Click the Create New Task button to create a new task from this view.
Managing Tasks
- In the top right corner of the console, click the dropdown menu next to your name and profile.
- Select Task Manager.
- Click on the task name to open the task editor and make any adjustments to the task's details.
- Click the complete button to close a task.
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