To manage warehouses, go to Orders & Inventory in the app menu at the top of the screen.
On the left navigation menu, click Setup.
Click on Warehouses.
You will see a list of existing warehouses. You can hover over an existing item to edit or delete it.
Click Create Warehouses to add a new one.
You will be required to enter in a name and ID.
You will have the option to enable bins and set a default reorder point.
Click Save Changes to complete.
Warehouse Bins - If bins are enabled on a warehouse, hovering on a warehouse on the Warehouse Overview and clicking the Manage Bins link. Click Create New Bin, enter the required information and click Save Changes to complete.
Coupons & Discounts
To manage accounting projects, go to Orders & Inventory in the app menu at the top of the screen.
On the left navigation menu, click Setup.
Click on Coupons & Discounts.
Click on Discount Products. A discount product is required before setting up discount codes. Click Create Discount Product.
You will be required to select a business unit, name, and ID. Click Save Changes to create your product.
In the left navigation, click Coupons.
You will see a list of existing coupons. Click the Create Coupon button.
When creating a new coupon, you will have the ability to set the discount amount and the type of discount:
Fixed amount off the order total
Fixed amount off each item in the order
Percentage off each item in the order
Fixed amount off of the shipping total
Free shipping
You will have the ability to set a coupon expiration date and the following restrictions:
Limit number of usages per customer
Limit total number of uses
Limit number of purchases over a specific amount
Limit to specific product categories
Limit to specific products
Click Save Changes to complete.
To manage business units, go to Orders & Inventory in the app menu at the top of the screen.
On the left navigation menu, click Setup.
Click on Taxes > Products.
You will see a list of existing tax products. You can hover over an existing item to edit or delete it.
At the top of the screen, if you see the “You have no default tax product configured” message, you can use the Click here to configure one link to select one.
To create a new one, click the Create Tax Product button.
You will be required to enter in a name and ID as well as select a business unit.
Click Save Changes to complete.
Click on Classes under Shipping in the left navigation menu.
You will see a list of existing tax classes. You can hover over an existing item to edit or delete it.
Click the Create Tax Class button.
You will be required to enter in a name, ID and select a business unit.
Click Save Changes to complete.
Click on Zones under Shipping in the left navigation menu.
You will see a list of existing tax zones. You can hover over an existing item to edit or delete it.
Click Create Tax Zone.
You will have the ability to select the following:
Type of Zone:
One or more U.S. states
One or more countries
Postal code range
Rest of the world - a “catch all” for all locations outside of a defined zone
Override Tax Product - When tax costs are added to an order, the default product set in the tax configuration is used. You can override that product for this zone by selecting it here.
Tax Rates - You can configure one or more rates associated with the tax zone.
Click Save Changes to complete.
To manage business units, go to Orders & Inventory in the app menu at the top of the screen.
On the left navigation menu, click Setup.
Click on Shipping > Products.
You will see a list of existing shipping products. You can hover over an existing item to edit or delete it.
At the top of the screen, if you see the “You have no default shipping product configured” message, you can use the Click here to configure one link to select one.
To create a new one, click the Create Shipping Product button.
You will be required to enter in a name and ID as well as select a business unit.
Click Save Changes to complete.
Click on Zones under Shipping in the left navigation menu.
You will see a list of existing shipping zones. You can hover over an existing item to edit or delete it.
Click Create Shipping Zone.
You will have the ability to select the following:
Type of Zone
One or more U.S. states
One or more countries
Postal code range
Rest of the world - a “catch all” for all locations outside of a defined zone
Override Shipping Product - When shipping costs are added to an order, the default product set in the shipping configuration is used. You can override that product for this zone by selecting it here.
Free Shipping - You can set the following options:
Limit to orders above a minimum amount
Limit to orders below a maximum amount
Hide in the portal
Flat Rate Shipping - You can add one or more flat rate shipping methods. You can set the method to be per order or per item and set the rate.
Ship by Order Total/Weight - You can create one or more method by method or order total. You can select to charge a fixed amount or a percentage of order total. You can enter in one or more order total or weight ranges.
In-Store Pickup - You will be required to enter in a cost for in store pickup
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