Certification Activities are an integral part of the Certification process, giving members the ability to submit items for consideration towards obtaining their certification. Now you have the ability to determine whether you’d like your members to edit their Certification activities through your member portal. Here’s how.
Configuring Certification Activity Types
Configurability for activity editing in the portal for Certifications lives on the Activity type in Rhythm. To get started with configuring Certification Activities in the console, first navigate to the Certifications app and choose Setup.
- Click Activities
- Click Types
- Click Edit of the desired type or Create
- Under the Other Options section, check the box to Allow users to edit this type of activity in the portal
- Upon enabling this option, a pink warning box will appear to remind you to reinstall the Certifications Activites portal feature.
- Select an Activity Form
- This form dictates the fields you’d like to allow for editing within the activity
- To configure activity forms, Click Forms under Activities within the Certifications App Setup Menu
- This form dictates the fields you’d like to allow for editing within the activity
- Indicate how long after activity submission users can edit their activities
- There are two options : Forever or a Certain Period of Time relative to the submission
- Click Save Changes
Helpful hint: Only Activities with the status of Draft, Processed, or Under Review can be edited in the portal. Once an activity status moves to Verified, the activity is no longer editable.
Once enabled, the next step is to ensure the Portals & Microsites Feature is reinstalled. Let’s do that together with the steps below.
Reinstall Certifications - Activities Feature
Navigate to the Portals & Microsites App , then:
- Select Features
- Click Install a Portal Feature
- Select your default portal Template
- Select your default Target Menu
- Under the Certifications section, Select Activities
- Click Next
- A list of 5 pages should appear. One should be: Edit Activity (/certifications/activites/edit)
- Click Install Features
To check if the page has successfully installed:
- Click Pages from the Portals App Setup Menu
- Using the 🔎 enter Edit Activities
- A successfully installed page will appear
Once the page is successfully installed, members can Edit their Certification Activities!
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