Rhythm allows users to configure the Membership app to meet their association’s needs.
Membership Management Setup
From the Membership App, you can click Setup. On the left navigation panel, click Membership to expand the list of options which include:
- Types - types are your membership categories
- You will see a list of existing notices. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- Click Billing Notices to add a new one.
- Enter information and click Save Changes when ready
- Packages - packages are the price points associated with your membership levels
- You will see a list of existing recurring runs. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new recurring billing run, click Create Membership Package button
- When creating a membership package, you can set the following:
- Basic Information
- Pricing - New Member vs Renewing Member
- Membership & Renewal Information
- Membership Date Update Rules
- Renewing Package
- Whether The Purchaser Receives Benefits
- Send Renewal Bill to Member’s Organization
- Expiration Rules - Anniversary vs. Calendar Year
- Dues Proration - You can prorate your dues to charge different amounts at different times of the year
- Reinstatement Period and Pricing
- Override Chapter and Section Settings
- Purchase Eligibility Settings - set who can purchase this package based on customer type, age, location, member, non-member, committee member and certificant.
- Installment Plans - Enable contacts to pay for this package on an installment plan
- Cancellation Fees - Set an amount that should be charged as a cancellation fee
- Bundled Products - Add products that should be bundled with the membership package
- When ready, click Save Changes
- Change Fees - change fees are used when you have an application process associated with change affiliations - mid membership chapter, section and add on updates
- You will see a list of existing change fees. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new billing template, click Create Change Fee button.
- When creating a change fee, you can set the following:
- Basic Information
- Pricing - New Member vs Renewing Member
- Purchase Eligibility Settings - set who can purchase this change fee based on customer type, age, location, member, non-member, committee member and certificant.
- Installment Plans - Enable contacts to pay for this change fee on an installment plan
- Cancellation Fees - Set an amount that should be charged as a cancellation feeBundled Products - Add products that should be bundled with the change fee
- Page Layouts - you can set new one clicks on the membership 360 screen with custom fields.
- You will see a list of existing page layouts. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new page layout, click Create Membership Page Layout button.
- You can add a new field group with custom fields or text display.
- Click Save Changes to add your page layout.
Other Settings
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup
- On the left navigation panel, click Other Settings
- You will see a list of membership settings:
- Page Layouts & 360 Screens - set the default membership page layouts for the console, portal and 360 screen
- Chapters - ability to change how chapters are referred in the portal. You can set if chapters are required and the maximum number of chapters that can be joined
- Sections Settings - ability to change how sections are referred in the portal
- Add On Settings - ability to change how add ons are referred in the portal
- Reinstatement Settings - enable reinstatement periods, including the ability to:
- Determine the number of days for the reinstatement period
- Allow renewal pricing during the reinstatement period
- Hide membership join processes in the portal during the reinstatement period
- Select either the termination date or the membership expiration date to use for the reinstatement period calculation
- Other Options - Set whether a contacts personal membership or organization membership takes precedence.
- Finance Settings - Associate a Business Unit, Merchant Account, and Bank Account
- Default Payment Options - Allow electronic check, payroll deduction, invoice/pay later and split payments for membership transactions.
- Prompt For Donations at Checkout - this will enable you to turn on simple donations during the membership process. you can set a suggested amount, allow custom donation amounts and override the default denominations.
- Click Save Changes save the settings.
Managing Membership Forms
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup.
- On the left navigation panel, click Applications, then Forms.
- You will see a list of existing forms. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new form, click Create Form button.
- When creating a form, you will have the ability to choose an existing form to use as a starting point.
- The form configuration screen has several areas that can be configured:
- Pages - Allows users to create multi-page forms. Each page can have its own components, transitions, and custom errors:
- Components - Allows users to create different sections and fields that are available when filling out the form. Hovering over a form will allow the user to move, edit, or delete the component. Editing components allows the user to add, remove, and rearrange the fields associated with the component.
- Transitions - Allows users to control how the end-user can go from one page to another, save the form, or complete the form:
- Back
- Next
- Cancel
- Save and Return
- Submit
- Once the form is configured, the Preview/Test button will allow you to view your changes prior to saving the form.
- When ready, click Save Changes.
Managing Membership Processes
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup.
- On the left navigation panel, click Applications, then Processes.
- You will see a list of existing processes. You can hover over a custom field and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new custom field, click the Create Application Process button.
- When managing an application process, you will have the ability to set:
- Type
- Join - process for new members
- Renewal - process for existing members renewing
- Reinstatement - process for members that are looking to reinstate their membership
- Change Affiliations - process for members looking to change their chapter, section or purchase add-ons mid membership
- Customer Type - Contact or Organization
- Process Options:
- Application Form - select the membership application form that you want associated with the process.
- Process Eligibility - you can set whether the process is applicable based on Organization Type, Membership Type, Membership Package, and whether the process requires approval.
- Order Generation Rules - Allows the user to set rules that will have an effect on membership pricing. You can add rules based on record attributes. You can select a membership package and/or add on that should be assigned when the rule condition is met.
- Organization Options
- Set permissions that can allow contacts to manage chapters, sections or add ons for other contacts during the application process.
- Set the fields that should be displayed when a contact is creating a contact during the application process.
- Renewal Window - Number of days prior to expiration when a member can renew.
- Show In Portal - Dictates whether the process will be available in the portal. When disabled, it will only be available to administrators in the console.
- Show Contact Form - When enabled, the contact form will be presented prior to the first step in the membership application process.
- Show Organization Form - When enabled, the organization form will be presented prior to the first step in the membership application process.
- Override Point of Commerce Settings - When enabled you can override the commerce settings set globally on the membership application settings.
- Type
- Click Save Changes to create the membership application process.
Managing Status Reasons
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup.
- On the left navigation panel, click Applications, then Status Reasons.
- You will see a list of existing status reasons. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new status reason, click Create Application Status Reason button.
- Enter in Name, ID and select a status to link to the reason.
- When ready, click Save Changes.
Managing Add Ons
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup.
- On the left navigation panel, click Add Ons to expand the list of options.
- Add On Types - You will see a list of existing add on types. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- Click Create Add On Type to add a new one.
- Enter information and click Save Changes when ready.
- Add Ons - You will see a list of existing membership add ons. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new membership add on, click Create Membership Add On button.
- Select a type and enter information.
- If you enable Add On Dues you can add dues products from the Add On 360 screen.
- When ready, click Save Changes.
- When viewing a list of add ons, you can click one to go to the Add On 360 screen.
- On the 360 screen, you can click on Create Dues Product to add one.
Managing Membership Billing Settings
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup
- On the left navigation panel, click Billing to expand the list of options
- Notices - notices are the email communications that will be sent when a billing run is processed
- You will see a list of existing notices. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- Click Billing Notices to add a new one.
- Enter information and click Save Changes when ready
- Recurring Runs - recurring runs allow you to select a billing template and put it on a recurring schedule that will automatically pre-process billing runs.
- You will see a list of existing recurring runs. You can hover over a form and click the Edit icon to modify or the Delete icon to remove it.
- To create a new recurring billing run, click Create Recurring Billing Run button
- Select billing template, enter in pre-processing lead time (days) and select your billing run schedule.
- When ready, click Save Changes
Managing Membership Contact Role Permissions
Permissions dictate what actions contacts are allowed to take on behalf of their organizations in the portal.
- From the Membership App, you can click Setup
- On the left navigation panel, click Contact Roles
- You will be presented with all contact roles and have the ability to select the membership permissions that a contact can perform on behalf of their organization
- Click Save Changes
Maintenance Tasks
Reprocess Flowdown - Run this any time flowdown configuration changes; this will go through all records in the system and reprocess the flowdown
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