Rhythm allows users to process invoices for contacts and organizations.
Creating an Invoice
- From the app menu at the top of the screen, click on Finance & Billing.
- In the left navigation menu, click on Transactions.
- Click on the Create Invoice button.
- You can select Create an Invoice for either a contact or an organization.
- Once you select your record type, you will have the ability to select your invoice recipient.
- You can search for an existing contact or organization. If you are unable to find an existing record, you can enter in the name for a new record and press enter to complete the Quick Record Add.
- You will have the ability to enter or select a Billing Address.
- Once you have selected a recipient, it is time to add items to your invoice.
- You will have a dropdown menu that will allow you search through all products in the system or select a specific product category.
- Type a product’s name to find the product that you want to add to the invoice. Click on the product to add it to the invoice. Once added, the unit price will be added automatically based on the price set on the product. You can modify the quantity and unit price.
- Clicking Add Item will allow you to add more products to the invoice.
- Click Process Invoice to create your invoice.
Searching Invoices
- From the app menu at the top of the screen, click on Finance & Billing.
- In the left navigation menu, click on Transactions.
- On the Transactions home page, you can run a search for an invoice.
- To search for Invoices, set the Transaction Type to Invoice.
- You can set additional search parameters and click Search.
- On the results screen, you can click on an invoice to view it
Viewing an Invoice
- When viewing an invoice, you will have the ability to view key information about the invoice, including:
- Related transactions - Payments, Write Offs, Credit/Debit Memos
- Subledger Entry Information
Editing an Invoice
- When viewing an invoice, you can select the Edit Details option under the Invoice Options menu.
- When editing invoice detail, you can modify information associated with the invoice with the exception of:
- Line items
- Batch
Credit/Debit Memos
Credit/Debit Memos allow you to modify the total of an invoice. A credit memo will reduce the total and a debit memo will increase the balance.
- When viewing an invoice, you can select the Apply Credit Memo or Apply Debit Memo option under the Invoice Options menu.
- You will be required to select a batch that the credit/debit memo will be associated with.
- Enter in the amount for the adjustment. You will see the new invoice total prior to submitting.
- Click the Process button to complete.
Write Offs
This will allow you to remove any remaining balance due on an invoice with a write off transaction.
- When viewing an invoice, you can select the Write Off This Invoice option under the Invoice Options menu.
- You will be required to select a batch that the write off will be associated with and a write off method:
- Direct
- Allowance
- Click the Write Off button to complete.
Printing an Invoice
- When viewing an invoice, you can select the Print option under the Invoice Options menu.
- You will be taken to a printable view of the invoice. Click the Print This Invoice button.
Emailing an Invoice
- When viewing an invoice, you can select the Email option under the Invoice Options menu.
- You can set the recipient email on the invoice, which will default to the email associated with the billing recipient.
- You can preview the email message that will be sent. You can edit the email content, including the ability to add merge fields from the system that will populate the email with data associated with the invoice.
- Click the Send Email button to complete.
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