As a general concept, Batches in Rhythm are a way to group together sets of transactions. This can help you reconcile transactions when they are imported to your financial management system. To begin accepting transactions in Rhythm, you will need to have at least one default recurring batch for each Business Unit you have set up.
Create a Recurring Batch
- Start in the Finance and Billing app
- Click Setup at the bottom of the left menu bar
- Click Recurring Batches near the bottom of the menu bar
- Click Create Recurring Batch
- Enter a name for the batch, such as "Weekly Check Batch" or "Daily ACH Payments"
- Set the Batch Schedule for how often you would like this recurring batch to be generated
- Example: if you want a new batch generated at 8am each day for ACH payments, you'd configure the Batch Schedule to Daily and set the schedule as Every 1 day(s) at 08:00
- Click Save Changes
Helpful hint: If you want your batches to line up with transactions in your payment processor, please check with them to gather their close and open times and match them with the set up in Rhythm
Set your Default Recurring Batch
- Click Batch Assignment Settings
- Select the Default Recurring Batch Drop down
- Select a batch you configured in the previous steps
- Click Save Changes
Create a Batch Assignment Rule
- From the Finance and Billing Setup
- Click Batch Assignment Settings near the top of the left menu button
- Select which transactions should be directed to your new recurring batch
- In the Batch Assignment Rule window, you'll see a number of different options: transaction types (invoices, payments, refunds), a merchant and/or bank account, types of payments (check, ACH, credit card), and types of cards (Visa, Mastercard).
- Example: For a daily credit card batch, you'd select Credit Card under the field "To which types of payments should this rule apply (leave blank for all)?".
- Select your newly created batch under the field “When a transaction matches this, in which recurring batch should it be placed?”
- Type a description of the rule (ie, “Daily check payments”)
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the Batch Assignment Rule window
- Click Save Changes again at the bottom of the Batch Assignment Settings page
Helpful hint: Batch Assignment Rules are optional. They are useful if you want specific types of transactions, types of payments, or types of credit card payments to go into a specific batch.
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