Thanks for reading! These are our release notes from April 1, 2021 through April 30, 2021.
- Console users can now update order-related info for manually created memberships, event registrations, and sponsorships.
- When previewing a query, you can see the total number of rows your query will return.
- When setting advanced criteria rules, the category/record type associated with the field will display after its selection.
- Console users can now query on Payment Methods across apps.
- You now have the ability to clone configuration objects across the console.
- Column headings in queries are now editable.
- We now display friendlier error messages when a user enters text with invalid characters.
- On the view screen for any type or other configuration record, you can now see a list of all the records related to that type as well as an audit log of changes to the type record.
- Blue arrow links in query results are now functioning properly.
- Audit logs will properly display changes conducted in the portal by portal users.
- When cloning configuration settings, all availability counts will be reset.
- If you create and save a query with criteria, you can edit the criteria again later.
- Conditional visibility rules now function correctly in forms across all apps.
- Middle names will now be considered when searching for existing records during portal sign-up.
- If an organization has a website associated with it, it will appear on its CRM summary page.
- If someone enters a nickname that is identical to the first name, the system will erase the nickname.
- When querying for Contacts by Role, you can now include fields from the Contact's membership or their related Organization's membership
- Organization role assignment logic used upon sign-up now functions properly.
- When viewing a contact without an organization in the CRM, improper organization information will no longer appear.
- When clicking on one of the CRM KPI boxes, the page properly redirects to a query list resulting with that selection.
- An organization's logo will no longer disappear when editing the record.
- When adding an activity to an organization, organization's activity now saves properly.
- Phone numbers will respect the proper display formatting.
Finance + Billing
- If there is an error in a finance-related template (invoice, payment, or refund receipt), Rhythm will notify the console user.
- When querying invoices or line items, you can now include G/L information.
- Open invoices and invoices marked as "awaiting payment" in the console will show up in the portal as expected.
- You can now move a batch to a future fiscal period.
- When an overpayment credit is used in a batch other than the one containing the original overpayment, posting the batch with the overpayment usage now works properly.
Membership + Committees
- Membership types and packages can be reordered in the console by manually by dragging them.
- When a membership package is hidden from the portal, it is still renewable/reinstatable to those who already have it.
- The system will now tract the last time a member's membership has lapsed.
- Added additional support for recurring billing runs
- When an active organization becomes inactive, the status flows down to any associated contacts.
- We resolved an issue in regards to committee reporting and qualified data so that they now populate as expected.
- When querying Membership Packages, the system will present a dropdown list of options.
- You can now change a Membership Type from applying to Contacts or Organizations after the Membership Type has been created.
Orders + Inventory
- Variants and modifiers are now available when querying purchases.
- We've improved the language so that when a portal user adds a credit card, they will understand our security measures and will be notified that their card will not be charged until the checkout is complete.
- In addition to adding coupon codes to an order, portal users may now also remove the code from the order.
- Console users now have the ability to see variants and modifiers when looking at an order 360 by clicking the yellow sticky note associated with it.
- You now have the ability to set different payment terms for different checkout settings.
- A "tax exempt" filed has been added to the organization 360 page under Orders.
- When creating a payment method, if a user tries to continue with an incomplete billing address we now display a friendlier message that guides them to complete the billing address
- When applying a coupon code that results in a $0 payment, the system will mark the invoice completed.
- When orders have been fully paid, order line items will no longer show "awaiting payment."
- When adding HTML or text when confirming or collecting information on an Orders form, it now properly displays.
Meetings + Shows
- Portal users now have the ability to view registrations across all events in a single place.
- Using a checkbox, console users can choose whether or not to allow people to register for a session in the portal.
- If there is no member-specific pricing for an event, the portal will now only display a generic price.
- You can now set up global registration categories to apply to any of your events.
- Determine whether you'd like to create contact records for guest registrants using a checkbox under "Guest Registration Options" in the event setup.
- When viewing a contact record, you can now see the event origin of any exisiting credits.
- When setting up an event, you can now determine whether the event times should be shown in local time (default), or in a specific timezone.
- The portal will now respect registration processes and coinciding open and closed dates, showing available registrations at the proper time.
- When an event registration form is configured to prompt membership registration, current members will no longer see this option.
- If a registration type is set to be hidden in the portal, that registration will not display under the "Registration Deadlines/Pricing Page" either.
- Event-related coupons based on a percentage will now reflect the exact amount to the cent.
- The system will adhere to changes in the display order of add-on products.
- Event microsite security policies now give access to the proper users.
- When cancelling a registration for an event that starts tomorrow, the cancellation processes successfully.
Certifications + Courses
- When viewing a contact in certifications, you can now see the origin of any exisiting credits.
- When creating a new certification application manually, requirements will properly calculate.
- When viewing a sponsor's application history, the record will show each opportunity the sponsor has applied for throughout time.
- When viewing sponsorship opportunities in the console, users can sort the benefits by clicking the up/down arrow in your preferred column header.
- On applications where there are opportunities in "draft" status, there's an Activate button which will generate the sponsorship and update the counts.
- When a sponsorship application is processed, the contact that submitted the sponsorship application will automatically be tagged as the contact for the sponsorship.
- Automatic access to chapter, section, and committee filing cabinets will be granted to the appropriate members.
- When uploading a document with single or double quotation marks the file name, the file will now properly upload.
Portals + Microsites
- Access to portal and microsite pages can be restricted to specific event registration types.
- A contact's number will now appear alongside their name in the upper righthand corner of the portal.
- A System Features portal feature has been added that will allow portal users to change their passwords using the User Profile Bar component.
- Alignment on the "Manage Organization Contacts" portal page has been corrected.
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