The Rhythm and WordPress Plugin gives your members a more engaging and seamless website experience. The WordPress Plugin supports a single set of login credentials for your website and the Rhythm portal, limiting access to website content based on users’ Rhythm attributes (e.g., member vs. non-member), and event specific sites. For more information please see our API Documentation on WordPress.
What information is needed before setup?
From WordPress
WordPress site with Auth0 plugin installed and configured for your Auth0 tenant. Additional configuration steps are listed in the Basic Set up in WordPress section.
What needs to be configured?
Basic Set Up in Rhythm
When setting up the integration in WordPress, you will need an API Key to establish the SSO connection between Rhythm and WordPress. If you plan to display Rhythm data on your website (e.g., committees, sponsors, etc.), you will need a machine-to-machine application (M2M) to pull the data using our API. If you only plan to have SSO, then you will not need the Machine 2 Machine application. The steps below will assist you in this process.
Security and Settings
- Click API Keys
- Click Create API Keys
- Enter a Name for the Key
- Optionally you can enter a description
- Select the SSO or M2M radio button
- Click Save Changes
- You will now receive a one time secret link. Please send this to your WordPress designer. It contains the information they will need to set up the integration
Helpful Hint: When it comes time to add your Callback and Logout URLs, you will edit the SSO application and add those URLs there.
Please be aware that if you are using the Machine to Machine application there is a 1,000 tokens a month quota. Please ensure that you are caching the tokens as they last for 24 hours. If you reach the monthly quota, Rhythm is not able to increase it and you will have to wait until the beginning of the following month for the limit to be reset.
If some WordPress pages are only accessible by users with certain privileges (based on information in Rhythm) please follow the steps below.
Portals and Microsites
- Click Setup
- Click Security Policies
- Click Create Security Policy
- Use the criteria options below to build out who should be able to access certain pages
- For Example, if you wanted to build a policy for a members only page you would click the Members field and select Active as the status
For more information on Security Policies, please visit our API Documentation
Please be aware that if you are using the Machine to Machine application there is a 1,000 tokens a month quota. Please ensure that you are caching the tokens as they last for 24 hours. If you reach the monthly quota, Rhythm is not able to increase it and you will have to wait until the beginning of the following month for the limit to be reset.
Contacts for Testing
To test, create contacts that fit each of the security policies you have set up in Rhythm. Please create the appropriate number of contacts in Rhythm and ensure you have the login information for those contacts. These test contacts’ logins should be set up through the Rhythm portal using the Username/Password option. You can create multiple accounts with the same email address by adding a + and any combination of words and numbers before the @ if you have a gmail account. Choosing a username that reflects the policy you are testing may be helpful (e.g.,
Basic Set Up in WordPress
For setup in Wordpress, please have your Wordpress developer reference the Wordpress Knowledge Base.
Connecting WordPress with Rhythm
- Go to Settings and click General
- Enter the Rhythm Tenant ID
- This is normally your public domain name.
- If this is an event specific site, please enter the Event ID
- This can be found by going to the meetings and shows applications, search for the event then click the #, Copy ID to Clipboard option
Universal Login Setup
We strongly recommend that you use the Auth0 Universal Login option for authentication because it is the most compatible across browsers and mobiles devices.
- Go to Settings
- Click Auth0
- Turn on the Universal Login Page
- Turn on the Auth0 Logout toggle
- Save Changes
Embedded Login Setup
Please follow these steps if you elect to use the embedded login rather than the universal login
- Go to Settings
- Click Auth0
- Under the Basic tab, ensure universal login is disabled
- Click the Embedded tab
- Turn on Enable Gravatar Integration
- In the Extra settings please enter
- {"auth":{"params":{"audience": "Auth0 tenant domain”/api/v2/"}}}
Security Policy Setup in WordPress
To apply the security policies set up in Rhythm to Wordpress, please have your WordPress developer access the Wordpress Knowledge Base for instructions.
How do we test the integration?
Testing the SSO and Security Policies
- Access the Wordpress site
- Login using the Rhythm credentials for one of your test contacts
- Access a page that they should have access to
- Access a page they should not have access to
- Repeat this for each security policy and associated contact
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When do security policies take effect once a person meets certain criteria?
A: A contact will have the security policy applied to their record once they start a new session in Wordpress. For example, if someone becomes a member, which grants them access to a specific page, they will gain access to the page upon re logging into the Wordpress site.
Q: Can you host multiple events at the same time on wordpress?
A: No, the wordpress plug-in currently only supports one event at a time.
Q: Why am I seeing this error "There is a user with the same email"?
A: Both Auth0 and Rhythm allow duplicate email addresses, while WordPress does not. To resolve this conflict, we recommend linking user accounts in Auth0. This creates a primary and secondary relationship between accounts.
On successful linking, Auth0’s endpoint returns an updated array of the primary account’s identities. From there, you can redirect the user to a specific page of your choice, where you can manage cases using query parameters. If you’d like to implement account linking, please contact us. We’ll assist in updating your Auth0 post-login actions to support this functionality. Auth0/Wordpress Troubleshooting
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