The Sponsorship + Benefits app allows you to create sponsorships, customize opportunities, and grant sponsors instant access to digital benefits for your sponsoring organizations. Sponsorship records are maintained in the system and automatically integrate across apps in the Rhythm console. To begin, click on Setup in the left-hand menu.
Sponsorships Custom Fields
- Click Sponsorships
- Click Create Sponsorship Custom Field
- Select the type of custom field (e.g. text, HTML, picklist)
- Configure additional settings as needed
Save Changes
Helpful hint: You can assign a default value for the custom field by enabling the Default Value feature and entering the desired value.
- Click Create Sponsorship Category or edit an existing category
- Enter a name
- In the Other Information section, select whether sponsors can purchase more than one opportunity in the selected category
- Save Changes
Add On Products
- Click Create Add On Products or edit an existing product
- Assign a Business Unit
- Enter the product name
Configure additional settings as needed
Helpful hint: Modifying the financial configuration settings allows you to use features such as Merchant Account Routing and Inter-Business Unit Due to/Due From. This can be done by clicking the $ on the Add On Products Overview screen.
Applications Custom Fields
- Click Applications
- Click Create Sponsorship Application Custom Field
- Select the type of custom field (e.g. text, HTML, picklist)
- Enter custom field name
- Configure additional settings as needed
Save Changes
Helpful hint: You can offer user guidance by including a form prompt and help text. A form prompt is the text users will see in the field when filling out a form; if not set, the field name will display. Help text appears below the field and helps users understand what they should be inputting into the field. It's optional, but recommended if the value of this field is not intuitive and/or obvious.
Applications Forms
Click Create Application Form
- Choose to start from an empty form or select an existing form
Create Form
- To learn more about our form builder please check out this Knowledge Base Article
- Please ensure that you have the Collect Order Details and the Confirm Order Details on the last two pages, respectively for the monies to be collected.
Save Changes
Helpful hint: You can easily add components from other forms by clicking Add Component > From Another Form. You will be able to select the source form, page, and component to copy.
Applications Processes
- Click Processes under Applications
- Click Create Application Process
- Select application form
- Configure other settings as needed
Save Changes
Helpful hint: To prompt users to update their contact information before they complete the application, enable the Show Contact Form Feature. The Show Organization Form Feature prompts contacts to update their organizations' information before they complete the application.
Contact Roles
- Assign contact role permission settings by checking/unchecking the boxes under View Sponsorships and Purchase Sponsorships
Save Changes
Helpful hint: Administrative roles are automatically granted all permissions for their organization. There is no option to check/uncheck boxes for these roles.
- Business Unit
- Merchant Account
- Bank Account
- Cancelation fee product (optional)
- Invoice Payment Terms, or leave blank for default payment terms
- Credit Card Processing Mode
- Credit Card Processing Fees
Select a Fee Product and enter the processing fee (%)
Helpful hint: You can set a minimum or maximum credit card processing fee. If you leave these fields blank, the user will be charged the calculated fee, regardless of the total.
Select a Fee Product and enter the processing fee (%)
- Configure Other Payment Options
- Modify additional settings as needed
- Save Changes
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