By navigating to the Awards + Nominations app and selecting Setup from the left toolbar, you are able to configure global settings for the various components within the app. This configuration must be done before creating an award.
Award types are how we group awards. As you offer the same award or scholarship year after year, you will use the award type to track the total recipients throughout time. The award itself should have the designated year in its title and it is there you can track applications, nominees, and recipients within a specific year.
- Select Awards from the left toolbar and click Types.
- Click the + Create Award Type button.
- Give your award type a name.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Custom Fields
- Select Awards from the left toolbar and click Custom Fields.
- Click the + Create Awards Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Custom Fields
If you want to collect information unique to your organization or an award during the award application process, you will need to create a custom field for the award application.
- Select Applications from the left toolbar and click Custom Fields.
- Click the + Create Application Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Configure the form that someone will complete when submitting an award application. Depending on the specifics of your different award programs, you may want to collect different information. These forms will be available for any application process for a specific award.
- Select Applications from the left toolbar and click Forms.
- Click the + Create Application Form button.
- Create the form that will be shown when someone submits an application for an award. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Review Custom Fields
If you want to collect information unique to your organization or an award during the award application review process, you will need to create a custom field for the review form.
- Select Applications from the left toolbar and click Review Fields.
- Click the + Create Review Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Review Forms
Configure the form that someone will complete when submitting a review for an award application. Depending on the specifics of your different award programs or various review rounds, you may want to collect different information from your reviewers. These forms will be available for any award application review process for a specific award.
- Select Applications from the left toolbar and click Review Forms.
- Click the + Create Review Form button.
- Create the form that will be shown when someone submits an application for an award. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Status Reasons
Status reasons give context when an application is in a given status.
- Select Status Reasons under Applications in the left toolbar.
- Click the Create Status Reason button.
- Name your status reason and associate it with any of the applicable statuses.
Create coupons to be used during the award application or nomination process.
- Select Coupons from the left toolbar.
- Click the Create Coupon button.
- Name your coupon and an ID will automatically be generated.
- Determine how the coupon should be applied:
- Inline: Discounts are directly applied to the line item, reducing the total
- Separate Line Item Discount: A separate, negative line item is added to the order with a discount product
- Optionally, you can determine the maximum discount the coupon will provide in dollar amount.
- Specify which award types are eligible for discount with the coupon or leave the field blank to allow all award types.
- Determine which specific awards are eligible for discount with the coupon or leave the field blank to allow all awards.
- Designate the discount type and amount using a percentage or fixed amount.
- If you tie this coupon to merchandise (or other products) for automatic code generation, you can include coupon-specific information in the description that will automatically be merged into the confirmation email.
Helpful Hint: Remember to always create a coupon code after creating a coupon so that it can be used.
Custom Fields
If you want to collect unique information regarding the award, you will need to create a custom field for the award nomination.
- Select Nominations from the left toolbar and click Custom Fields.
- Click the + Create Nomination Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Nomination Forms
Configure the form that someone will complete when nominating an individual or an organization for an award. Depending on the specifics of your different award programs, you may want to collect different information. These forms will be available for any application process for a specific award.
- Select Nominations from the left toolbar and click Forms.
- Click the + Create Nomination Form button.
- Create the form that will be shown when someone submits a nomination for an award. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Page Layouts
Determine the information you would like visible on the Nomination 360 page for each of your awards.
- Select Nominations from the left toolbar and click Page Layouts.
- Click the + Create Nomination Page Layout button and choose whether to use an empty form or an existing page layout as a starting point.
- Create the form that will be shown when viewing a Nomination 360 page. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Custom Fields
If you want to collect unique information unique regarding the individual or organization being nominated, you will need to create a custom field for the nominee.
- Select Nominations from the left toolbar and click Custom Fields.
- Click the + Create Nomination Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Page Layouts
Determine the information you would like visible on the Nominee 360 page for each of your awards.
- Select Nominees from the left toolbar and click Page Layouts.
- Click the + Create Nominee Page Layout button and choose whether to use an empty form or an existing page layout as a starting point.
- Create the form that will be shown when viewing a Nomination 360 page. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Custom Fields
If you want to collect unique information unique regarding the individual or organization that has received an award, you will need to create a custom field for the recipient.
- Select Recipients from the left toolbar and click Custom Fields.
- Click the + Create Recipient Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Page Layouts
Determine the information you would like visible on the Recipient 360 page for each of your awards.
- Select Recipients from the left toolbar and click Page Layouts.
- Click the + Create Recipient Page Layout button and choose whether to use an empty form or an existing page layout as a starting point.
- Create the form that will be shown when viewing a Nomination 360 page. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Custom Fields
If you want to collect information unique to your organization or an award during the reference process, you will need to create a custom field for the form.
- Select References from the left toolbar and click Custom Fields.
- Click the + Create Reference Custom Field button.
- Select the type of field you want to create and fill in the corresponding data.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Reference Forms
Configure the form that someone will complete when submitting a reference for an individual or an organization. Depending on the specifics of your different award programs, you may want to collect different information. These forms will be available for any reference process for a specific award.
- Select References from the left toolbar and click Forms.
- Click the + Create Reference Form button.
- Create the form that will be shown when someone submits a nomination for an award. To learn more about form configuration, check out this article.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Here you can designate the default financial settings for the Awards + Nominations app.
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